Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing is considered to be the most powerful and also the most exhaustive way to market your business. If you are a novice to PPC, chances are you might lose money on this by applying a few silly mistakes. This in mind would it not be better to hire a PPC management services to avoid the top 5 mistakes! Still want to try yourself then here’s some tips to get you started.
1) Love for CPL
Yes, most businesses focus on click per lead instead of focusing on optimisation for conversions. The fact is CPL cannot guarantee profitability. So don’t get obsessed with indicators like CPL, your overall target should be the profitability. You need to find out which keywords can drive the lowest cost-per-sale, which search phrase is generating your biggest revenue and which ad is creating the best ROI. You can use several CRM systems to track this data and accordingly the bring necessary changes into your campaign to bring down the leads, boost the CPL and improve the profitability.
2) Keyword Stuffing
It is estimated that only 12% of your keywords are liable to bring your sale. So, it is not a great idea to fill your account with loads of keywords. Just find the right ones and it is sufficient to bring the desired results. To start with, you need to understand the keywords that are eating up your ad budget. You can find this out through AdWords by creating a filter for keywords that are not converting. Once you have that report eliminate those poor performing phrases and target your ad budget only to high-performing keywords. Your traffic may drop but you will improve genuine traffic. Now you will start to view a higher conversion rate and you’re only paying for something that is working for you.
3) Too Low Bid
With the increase in ad rank, number of click also increases. Better to start with the high bid to get the best results. It may cost you a bit extra but you can learn faster about the right keywords, ad copy and landing pages. Once you’ve understood it you can reduce your bidding and make targeting more profitable.
4) Not Tracking Calls
If you are not tracking the calls you will not be able to know which platforms are generating sales. Keep track of your calls using several available Call Tracking Metrics that you can integrate with your CRM.
5) Forgettable Ad Copy
Create unique and memorable ad copy that stands out. For this you need to understand your customers’ needs and target their pain points by offering solutions. Make it easy for your audience to understand what you can do and why they should choose you.
So, reader I hope you do not commit these common mistakes in your next PPC campaign and are able to gain the desired results you want? If you are thinking about hiring a PPC company offering pay per click services? We, at North West Design Studios, can help you!